The Reverend Monsignor Robert Malene, who passed away on January 7, 2024, led an extraordinary life of service. He first had a notable career serving our country as a Chaplain in the U.S. Navy and then returned to the area to serve the Church in northwest Pennsylvania. Read his full obituary by clicking the button below. As we bid farewell to Monsignor Malene, a Catholic Foundation Legacy Society member, we rejoice in his vision and generosity. The endowment he established will generate grants every year beyond his lifetime. These funds will support Good Shepherd Parish, where he served as pastor for many years, as well as Venango Region Catholic School in his hometown of Oil City, PA. In addition, grants from his endowment will support the health and welfare of his brother priests in the Diocese of Erie. For his service and support of the Catholic community, we are grateful. May perpetual light shine upon him.