Read about our donors and the impact they are having on our community.
Gift Planning Honors Parents
Reverend Rocco A. Tito Endowment in Memory of Joseph and Vittoria Tito
After he passed away in August 2022, the Reverend Rocco A. Tito Endowment in Memory of Joseph and Vittoria Tito was established in the Catholic Foundation with a purpose of supporting the education of students in the Diocese of Erie as well as supporting undergraduate and graduate education for seminarians and priests. Following a life of pastoral service, this desire to give a perpetual gift honoring the parents he loved with a cause dear to him is Father Tito’s remarkable legacy.
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A Lasting Tribute
Monsignor Edward J. Zeitler Endowment
With a desire to honor a priest who had specially guided and inspired her, Ruthanne Beighley established an endowment in his name. She chose as beneficiaries the three parishes he served and the parish ministries he "fostered and loved very much."
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Giving with Hope for the Next Generation
Reverend Monsignor Richard R. Siefer Endowment
Monsignor Siefer’s affinity for this parish community and the DuBois region grew exponentially during his 32-year tenure as pastor of Saint Catherine Parish, the longest serving pastor in the history of the parish. With a desire to support the future of the Catholic community he calls home, he established The Reverend Monsignor Richard R. Siefer Endowment to benefit faith formation and evangelization activities in DuBois.
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To Honor the Memory of Our Loved Ones
Crowley Family Endowment for Saint Raphael Cemetery
Bob Crowley and his wife, Barb, saw a growing need to support the perpetual care, upkeep, and maintenance of the grounds of the cemetery, so they decided to establish the Crowley Family Endowment for Saint Raphael Cemetery with the Catholic Foundation.
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A Husband's Surprise is a Remarkable Tribute
Rita M. Bevevino Endowment for Saint Joseph School
Students at Saint Joseph Catholic School in Warren, PA, will benefit for years to come thanks to an endowment named for a beloved teacher.
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A Hand Up for Years to Come
Robert M. Gallivan Charitable Endowment
Early in life Bob Gallivan was introduced to helping the poor through mentoring and teaching life skills to adults. He first became aware of the impact of this kind of outreach when as a young professional he volunteered to mentor in a program offered at an inner-city parish near where he lived in Buffalo.
That mentoring experience early in life sparked an interest in Bob that led to the legacy giving he planned with the Catholic Foundation.
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Good Stewards Find Peace of Mind
Saint Basil the Great Parish Cemetery Endowment
Members of the Saint Basil Cemetery finance committee in Coalport take seriously their responsibility for the ongoing maintenance and care of the cemetery and for stewarding the funds entrusted to them for that purpose. Along with their pastor, Father Zab Amar, this group established the Saint Basil the Great Parish Cemetery Endowment in the Catholic Foundation, securing funds for the care of the cemetery in perpetuity.
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Giving Back to Students in My Hometown
Kathryn Eisenman Eisert Endowment
Although many things have changed in Oil City over the years, friends and fond memories abound for Kathy Eisert of her formative years there. So much so that she chose to honor the community that means so much to her with a lasting gift for its future.
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My Way of Saying Thanks
Reverend Thomas Fialkowski Endowment for Cathedral Preparatory School and Mother Teresa Academy
At the encouragement the associate pastor of his family’s parish, Saint Stanislaus in Erie, Father Thomas Fialkowski transferred to Cathedral Prep from Erie Tech in his sophomore year of high school. At the time he didn’t realize the importance of the decision. Looking back, he sees providence.
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