The Catholic Foundation of Northwest Pennsylvania awarded ten grants totaling $34,865 through our 2022 Spring competitive grant program. The Catholic Foundation attracts, professionally manages, and invests gifts to support the current and long-term financial needs of parishes, schools, and ministries. Through the stewardship and growth of these funds, grants are made to support the Catholic ministries serving the community of northwest Pennsylvania. Grants awarded this spring in the areas of education and faith formation covered a wide range of projects and new initiatives in diocesan offices, Catholic schools, and parishes.
With a goal of engaging Saint Joseph Catholic School (Warren) students more deeply in the Mass, Betsy Williams, Advancement Director, applied for and received a grant to purchase Choose Christ missals for every student. The missals will be used during music class to introduce the students to contemporary praise music and will accompany the students to every school Mass. This resource will support the school’s efforts to help students more fully engage in the Mass through song and Word including their involvement in a variety of children and youth choirs/ensembles at both the school and parish level. Betsy Williams said, “The parish community is enriched by hearing student voices. Student involvement in music liturgy helps foster a love of worshipping through song, and then develops into future cantors and musicians.”
Melissa Silka, religious education facilitator at Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish in Corry and Saint Teresa of Avila Parish in Union City, identified several needed technology updates at these partnered parishes that, if funded, would increase the effectiveness of their catechists. Improving the available technology would give the catechists access to current Catholic resources that would enhance their lesson plans. Melissa applied for and was awarded Faith Formation Grants for both parishes totaling $6,065. With these funds, these parishes will be able to upgrade their technology to not only support their faith formation program but to enhance family activities and parish events.

Grants awarded to Our Lady of Peace Parish, Erie, and All Saints Parish, Waterford, will be used to support initiatives that will provide spiritual experiences for the youth in their parishes. All Saints Parish was awarded an Education Grant to help with the costs associated with parish youth and adult attendance at the 2022 National Catholic Youth Conference. Grant applicant Maria Burkley, Religious Education Coordinator, describes in her application that “it is important that the teens go and experience this faith experience with thousands of others from across the country. However, it also important for the adults in their families who want to experience it with them.” She further commented that “when they return from the trip, our teens will share their faith experience with the parish. Younger siblings look forward to going and parents are asking to go and see what their teens are experiencing. This has become a family opportunity in our parish, and we want to build on this growing faith opportunity for our youth.” Our Lady of Peace Parish will use their Faith Formation Grant funds to support a parish youth trip to Catholic Heart Workcamp in New Jersey and will use their Education Grant funds to assist with the costs to bring two nationally know speakers and musicians to the parish for an Advent concert and youth event in December.
The Foundation also awarded a $10,500 Education Grant to the Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Erie in support of their 2022 Catholic Schools Leadership Conference. These funds will have great impact as presidents, principals, curriculum leads, and teacher leaders from all 30 Catholic schools attend the conference. The conference is designed to equip educational leaders with strategies and skills to impact learning for all students in Catholic schools.
Click the link below to read the complete list of spring grantees.
- Spring 2022 Grants Awarded (250.158 KB)

Be the Spark to light the fire of faith in others!
The Catholic Foundation has been blessed by generous donors who give with their heart in support of the mission of the Catholic church now and forever. Thanks to these committed Catholics, the Foundation manages over 100 funds that provide grants and distributions to parishes, schools, and Catholic ministries in northwest Pennsylvania. Education grants and Faith Formation grants are made possible specifically through donations designated for the Education Endowment and Faith Formation Endowment. Donations in any amount designated for these funds increases our capacity to award grants for impactful Catholic education and faith formation needs today and for future generations.
Do you have a project that is a good fit for this grant opportunity?
The 2022 Fall Education grant cycle will open August 22, 2022. Review the guidelines and criteria and consider applying. Online applications will be accepted through September 30, 2022.
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