Grant Impact Story

In an age of growing technology, it is imperative for students to gain the tools and exposure necessary for future success. The Catholic Foundation was pleased to award a $5,288 grant in 2019 to St. Gregory School in North East, PA for this purpose. The school used the funds to purchase six MimioTeach devices which convert traditional whiteboards into portable, interactive “smart boards.”
Alissa Bowman, who serves on the school’s technology committee, was thrilled. Not only was the technology easy to install within the school, but the student response was incredible. “It allows [the students] to explore and see learning in a different way. The interactive style from using a pen on a board and seeing it show up on their iPad or on the computer retains that childlike wonder. It gives them the courage to use the skills that they are learning and apply it to their education.”
Because they are portable, the MimioTeach devices can be used in all classes and allow teachers to enhance the academic experience by creating more engaging lessons. Teachers can simply plug the device into a computer, turning their whiteboards into a highly visual and interactive display. The program can also integrate with students’ individual iPads, which allow for short answer responses throughout the lesson to gauge student comprehension.
These funds are made available through the generosity of the faithful people of the Diocese of Erie who contributed to the last diocesan capital campaign and through donors who contribute to the annual Catholic Education Collection and the Education Endowment of the Catholic Foundation.
If you would like to donate to this endowment, in any amount, please contact Lisa Louis at (814) 824-1237 or
“MimioTeach has impacted St. Gregory School in many positive ways. The students are adaptive and receptive to the new technology. They are excited to be learning with something new that they have never experienced before.”