Donor Story

When a visionary parishioner approached Fr. Tom Tyler about his interest in seeding an endowment for Holy Cross Parish in Fairview, Fr. Tom was grateful. He knew the importance of planning for the financial future of the parish.
While working closely with the donor, Fr. Tom involved parish leadership with planning to help determine what could be done now to set the parish up for success in years to come. “With fewer priests, I know we will need to involve lay ministers more in our parish ministries,” Fr. Tom shared. “We don’t know what form new ministries may take years from now, but it is certain we will need resources to realize them. With this endowment, those who come after us will have some funds to adjust staff and programming.” It’s a faith-filled plan that reaches out to the next generation.
Other Holy Cross parishioners are embracing this giving option with planned and outright gifts, expressing their desire to secure the future of the parish.
“With fewer priests, I know we will need to involve lay ministers more in our parish ministries. We don’t know what form new ministries may take years from now, but it is certain we will need resources to realize them.”