Read about our donors and the impact they are having on our community.

Grant Provides Over 250 Thanksgiving Meals

Grant Provides Over 250 Thanksgiving Meals

No one wants to see a family go hungry on Thanksgiving. St. Martin Center, Inc. in Erie seized the opportunity to obtain grant funding to make sure their families in need received more than just a turkey for the holiday centered around sharing a meal.

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Taking Catholic School Leaders on a Learning Road Trip

Taking Catholic School Leaders on a Learning Road Trip

Education Endowment

The annual Catholic Schools Leadership Conference hosted by the Diocese of Erie Catholic Schools Office is a gathering of presidents, principals, and teachers in the role of curriculum leader from all the Catholic schools in the diocese.

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Spiritual Encounter With Modern-Day Saint

Spiritual Encounter With Modern-Day Saint

Education Endowment

As part of its mission to create opportunities for parishioners to experience faith in different ways, Saint Francis Xavier Parish in McKean wanted to bring relics of Saint Padre Pio to their church. A Catholic Foundation grant provided needed funds to accomplish this project.

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Creating a Truly Catholic School

Creating a Truly Catholic School

Education Endowment

Saint Michael School in Greenville is making steps towards becoming what Emily Zgonc, Principal, refers to as a truly Catholic school. This means having the Catholic faith taught and tangibly accessible outside of the religion classroom, to the hallways of the school and beyond to the students’ homes.

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Ablaze With The Holy Spirit

Ablaze With The Holy Spirit

Education Endowment

Attending National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) and witnessing over 20,000 Catholic high school youth gather in a stadium to worship, sing and pray together made a lasting impression on Jennifer Humes, faith formation leader and youth minister at Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus Parish in North East.

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Catholic Charities Counseling and Adoption Services...Providing Hope

Catholic Charities Counseling and Adoption Services...Providing Hope

Catholic Social Ministry Endowment

In 2021, the Catholic Foundation initiated its Catholic Social Ministry Grant opportunity to support ministries and projects that embrace and align with Catholic social teaching and are answering the Gospel call to respond to needs within the community. One such ministry is Catholic Charities Counseling and Adoption Services (CCCAS).

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Given in Gratitude for a Nurturing Catholic Community

Given in Gratitude for a Nurturing Catholic Community

Helen Potosnak Memorial Endowment

When John “Jack” Potosnak reflects on his mother’s life story, he has immense gratitude for the Catholic ministries that shaped and guided her through difficult early years. To honor that support, and to help fuel a strong Catholic community for the future, Jack established the Helen Potosnak Memorial Endowment in the Catholic Foundation.

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Catholic Foundation Grants $56,200 to Catholic Schools for Technology Upgrades

Catholic Foundation Grants $56,200 to Catholic Schools for Technology Upgrades

Education Endowment

Catholic schools pursuing technology upgrades were grateful recipients of $56,200 in grants from the Catholic Foundation. These grants from the Education Endowment made a significant impact on Catholic schools in 2021 as demand for upgraded technology in classrooms and urgent remote learning needs were fueled by the pandemic.

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Dale DeMarco...a legacy of faith.

Dale DeMarco...a legacy of faith.

John and Rose DeMarco are surely smiling from heaven as their son, Dale, says that everything about him was passed to him by his parents. The DeMarcos were faith-filled and practical people. Dale’s father was a full-time, blue-collar worker and his mother worked part-time when she wasn’t busy looking after her two sons.

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