Who can apply?

- Catholic nonprofit organizations listed in The Official Catholic Directory which are tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code and serve people within the 13 counties of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie. Organization must have programs supporting one or more of the following areas: family ministries, justice and peace, respect life, parish social ministry, ministry with persons with disabilities, natural family planning.
- Diocese of Erie ministry programs supporting one or more of the following areas: family ministries, justice and peace, respect life, parish social ministry, ministry with persons with disabilities, natural family planning.
- Catholic Parishes with ministry programs supporting one or more of the following areas: family ministries, justice and peace, respect life, parish social ministry, ministry with persons with disabilities, natural family planning.
**All organizations must provide their unique Federal EIN when completing a grant application.
Funding Categories
Funding will be considered for projects which support the above-listed ministries, embrace and align with Catholic social teaching (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching), and focus on one or more of the following (listed in no particular order of priority):
- Counseling services for the poor
- Marriage and family life support programs
- Promoting better human relationships and a sense of community
- Care of the elderly
- Services for the poor and elderly
- Emergency services for the poor
Projects must benefit people within the 13 counties of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie.
Within the above listed funding categories, priority is given to:
- Projects that reach a large number of people.
- Projects that have multiple funding sources and/or demonstrate sustainability when funding ends. The Foundation seeks to invest in the long-term viability of projects and programs.
- Projects that represent a well-planned approach to solving a problem and delivering services.
- Projects that help strengthen the family and promote a sense of community.
- Organizations who have not received a Catholic Social Ministry grant in the last funding cycle.
The minimum grant award is $500 and the maximum grant award is $15,000.
- Organization leadership (Pastor, Executive Director, etc.) or Diocese of Erie office supervisor must approve project and grant request by signing the project endorsement form included in the application.
- Funds are released to the organization, parish or the diocese only with an executed grant agreement on file at the Foundation.
- A follow up grant report from the grantee is required for every grant awarded by the Foundation.
Funding Exclusions
Grant funds will not be given to:
- Endowments or individuals
- Existing staff salaries
- Anything completed, purchased, or accomplished prior to date grants are awarded.
- Annual fund-raising events or drives
- Debt reduction
- Capital campaigns or projects
**This is not an exhaustive list. Catholic Foundation staff, grant committee, and Board of Directors will determine inclusions and exclusions.
Questions? Contact Julia Cooney, Operations Director, for more information: jcooney@cfnwpa.org
Grant Cycle
- Applications will be accepted June 16, 2025 through July 28, 2025.
- Grants will be awarded October 2025.
- Grant Report Deadline - April 2026.